Femoropatellar dysplasia (outward running knee disc):
Painful knees can result from different influences and causes. It is not always the case that over- and underloading of the knees must lead to these symptoms. Sometimes it can also be congenital abnormalities and misalignments.
Malformations of the knee disc or of the thigh roll can lead to a changed fit of the knee-disc back surface and corresponding groove in the upper thigh side.
In most cases, the discomfort is noticeable when walking or getting up from a perched position. In these movements, the load or the tension and the pressure on the knee disc and the knee carcass in which it is embedded is particularly strong. Frequently the symptoms are a result of overload.
A correction of the malposition is achieved by splitting the external suspension of the knee disc (lateral release), which is performed with a minimally invasive arthroscopic ambulatory operation