To our center for orthopedic surgery in Wiesbaden!

Dr Mohamed Amer

Dear patient,

With this homepage we would like to give you the opportunity to get information about us and our work.

Our center is specialized in shoulder and knee surgery, outpatient arthroscopic surgery, foot surgery, hand and elbow surgery and sports medicine

Please get in touch with our center and if you have any questions or wishes please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Your clinic team

Dr Mohamed Amer


Burgstraße 6-8
65183 Wiesbaden

Tel.:  0611 / 360 290 – 50
Fax:  0611 / 360 290 – 51


Appointments are only done by telephone.

Our office hours:

Monday to Thursday:
08:00 – 16:00 Uhr

08:00 – 14:00 Uhr